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One Breath at a Time

Some days are really hard. And when grieving a heartbreaking loss, there's no way to avoid having really hard days.

There will be days when it doesn't matter what you do, the sadness will consume you and sink into your bones.

There will be days when no amount of distraction or trying to stay busy will take the pain away. Days when you can't be cheered up and out of your grief. Days when it's tough to find gratitude.

And on those difficult days, it can feel like your world is crashing down and like you will never come back from loss that dismantled your heart. Piece by piece.

I get it. And it's important to recognize that you will have extra hard days. Days when nothing seems to numb the sadness or fill the void that sits in your heart and soul.

It's normal to have those days. And you can have hard days even if several months or even years have passed by.

On those extra hard days, give yourself grace. Let the sadness come and sit inside of the pain. Don't push your grief away or try to contain it.

Both your sadness and grief are here for a reason and it deserves to be seen, heard, and felt.

I'm sorry you're hurting and I know how hard some days can be.

It's nothing to take lightly and you deserve to be supported and loved.

You need to honor your grief and try to get extra rest. Talk about your pain and don't hide your grief away.

This is your grief journey and there's no one right way to grieve. There's only your way and please don't get discouraged when you feel like you have days that set you back or feel too heavy to carry.

Remember - grief ebbs and flows. It rises and falls.

You won't always feel as awful as you do right now. And when the hard days come - you will get through them and survive. One breath at a time.

~ Michele DeVille - Dare to Grieve

~ Art by Duy Huynh

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